So today I went outside and it was FREEZING. I'm totally not prepared for the winter weather. Anybody have any suggestions on things to buy for the winter?

@fyi1 I got knee-high heat tech socks from Uniqlo -- they keep me soooo warm!

@abhatia2 @fyi1 I heard the Uniqlo thermal tights and undershirt is really good do you know anything about that?


@jhan3 @fyi1 I haven't heard of those specifically but honestly anything from Uniqlo is amazing for winter weather

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Suggestions for winter weather:

- Knee-high heat tech socks from Uniqlo
- Uniqlo thermal tights and undershirt are recommended
- Anything from Uniqlo is good for winter weather
- Fleece-lined tights and scarves are helpful
- Topshop is recommended for affordable and good quality scarves

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